Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh Happy Day…

FIRST FAMILY PORTRAIT: Two-day-old Ryan with his proud daddy and exhausted-but-beaming mommy.

“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” —Anonymous

Wednesday, June 9, 1982 at 7:41 pm at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, CA:

“It’s a boy!” Dr. VandenBurg heartily announced. After 23 hours of labor, he had a bluish cast and a head that may have been the inspiration for a future SNL skit—but he was pure perfection in my eyes (still is). In keeping with tradition, the doctor immediately placed a wiggly, sputtery 8 lb., 2 oz. miracle on my chest and took a Polaroid shot. When Ryan was about four, I showed him his first-ever photo. “Wow! That’s me?” He exclaimed. “Who’s that lady I’m with?” Hey, what can I say? I’d never worked so hard, and it showed (but nothing could wipe that ear-to-ear smile off my face).

At one of Ryan’s well-baby visits, Dr. Balch confided that he thought I may have given birth to “Super Baby.” I’d have to concur. Ryan began walking at eight months and it was full-speed-ahead from there. He’s accomplished more in 28 years than many do in a lifetime. With his bigger-than-life personality and heart to match, my years as Ryan’s mom have been an adventure of the most wondrous kind and I treasure every moment (though some of the college frat shenanigans are iffy). Ryan’s birthday is always a day for celebration—as happy for me as it hopefully is for him.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 7:41 pm on Summit Street in Shawnee, KS:

New post entered and “Submit!”

1 comment:

  1. Now, I don't know why my post time says 5:39 pm, according to the clock on my computer (and phone, and wall, and oven...) it's 7:41.
