Thursday, May 20, 2010

Okay, here goes…

"It's good to do uncomfortable things. It's weight training for life."
— Anne Lamott

A blog? Me? A blog is so personal—it’s kind of like letting someone read your private journal (you know, that journal I always start and don’t keep up). Of course, knowing that it’s going to be out in the open may be just the kick in the butt I need to keep on writing. Hopefully, you’ll be a little entertained, periodically informed and not too enraged at an occasional rant.

So, “Confessions of a Fifty-Something — Life in the Middle Ages” begins today.

And, since I am unable to format line breaks in the "About Me" section, I've placed it here...

I’m an ENFP.
Careers? I’ve had three.
Size 10 to a tee.
And I live in Shawnee
(Kansas, that is).

This eloquent poem doesn’t reveal everything about me, however you’ll probably learn more than you’d ever want to know as you continue to read (check in often).

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